Finest Accreditation
Due to the success of the first 6 Accreditations, we have now released the remaining 15. Accreditation is open to all the hospitality and service businesses within the tourism sector with the aim to promote their services directly to consumers (both visitors and residents) and to correctly direct them to the right businesses for their needs and therefore capturing the maximum spend. Accreditation works on two levels; it highlights to locals / visitor’s goods and services already available that are currently difficult to discover, and secondly our criteria for obtaining and retaining the accreditation raises standards and echoes similar schemes in the UK.
Once the Accreditation has been awarded successful businesses will receive a digital emblem to use on their promotional literature/social media/website, a certificate, advertising across the social media channels and a listing on Accreditations are currently available for Bikers Welcome, Dogs Welcome, Family Friendly, Vegan Considerations, Walkers Welcome, Cyclists Welcome, Gluten Free Considerations, Green Initiatives, Golfers Welcome, Live Entertainment, Outdoor Pursuits, Railway Enthusiasts Welcome, Staycation, Tech Savvy, Use of Local Produce, Weddings, Events, Local Heritage, Foodie Favourite, Nature & Wildlife and Special Occasions .
Pricing for the accreditation is as follows:
£35.00 (in VAT) per accreditation for partnered businesses who have listings with
£40.00 (inc VAT) per accreditation for all other businesses.
To register for accreditations please complete the following online form here